1. Winter Indoor Training Schedule - Just a reminder that the field schedule for indoor training is in your team's PlayMetrics schedule. Our indoor training schedule starts right after the new year! A couple of quick notes:


  • U9 - U19 Team Trainings - All U9 - U19 teams will train at In The Net on either Monday or Tuesday Nights. This time/field space is specifically reserved for your TEAM to train together and is noted on your schedule. 


  • U9 - U19 Individual Skills Training - All Penn FC U9 - U19 players that would like to pick up an extra night in the winter, can come to our INDIVIDUAL skills training night on Thursday Nights. Time slots are broken out by age groups. Goalie training will also be on Thursday nights during your age group sessions. Please note that Thursday nights do show up on your team PlayMetrics schedule, but they are strictly optional for those that want to attend. With that, we hope to see as many kids out there as possible! There is no additional cost to participate, If you can only make 1 session - great - come on out for that 1 session! If you can come to all - great - come to them all! 

2. Quick reminder about In The Net and weather - When there is snow, ice, rain, large temperature swings; snow/ice that can collect on the roof of the main ITN dome and then can slide down the sides near the parking areas and back side entrances to the main dome. The area of main concern is the back gravel area behind the main dome / near the entrance of the seasonal air dome. I know many people like to park in that area on both sides of the drive-up to the air dome(behind/back side of the main dome). We would caution you from parking on the side of that gravel area closest to the backside of the main dome or from having you or your kids enter/exit the main dome through those back doors if there has been recent snow or ice. If snow or ice slides down from the roof when you are parked there or standing there or coming in/out those back doors; then you could run the risk of injury or damage to vehicles. We would encourage everyone to use the main In The Net front entrance through the lobby when entering/exiting the main dome training areas. If your player is scheduled for a session in the Air Dome over the outdoor turf field, we would encourage you to park on the grass side of the gravel drive or in one of the main paved lots and walk your player to the Air Dome. Field Maps for the indoor fields in the two In the Net Domes are attached for your reference. 


3. Winter Outdoor Training Schedule - Our U13 - U19 teams will have some weekend outdoor sessions on the turf at Lower Dauphin Middle School in January - mid March. Older Teams may do every weekend or every other weekend or wait until later in January/beginning of February to start outdoor. I have loaded field hold times for the older age groups in the system for each of the weekends and you may have seen those dates/times show up on your PlayMetrics schedules. Coaches will be in the system making adjustments in the next few days on each of their older team’s preliminary weekend schedules. Some of the younger teams may also add session(s) depending on how mild the winter is. Those will get communicated directly to each team and added to your PlayMetrics schedule.

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